A Holiday Message from the President…

of the Unitarian Universalist Association, that is. You can find it here.

Here is an excerpt:

At those times when things seem darkest, there is nowhere to be but right where we are; no way around our pain and uncertainty, only through it. If that is what this season feels like to you, have faith. The days will get longer, the road ahead clearer.

Susan Cooper’s poem encourages us on the path so often walked in these holidays:

All the long echoes, sing the same delight,
This Shortest Day,
As promise wakens in the sleeping land:
They carol, feast, give thanks,
And dearly love their friends,
And hope for peace.

So for now, gather around the fires, be together in your congregations, and light the lights. Rededicate yourselves to what you value, have faith that your commitment matters and that, in the words of the Psalm, joy cometh in the morning. And may the Spirit of Life and love be rekindled in your hearts this season. From my family to yours, and from all of us who work for our Association, I wish you happy holidays, peace, and hope.